How Long Does a Dog Bite Suit Last?

largest dog bite settlement

So far, we've looked at the amount of compensation you can obtain by settling a case through a dog's insurance company. But, this isn't your only choice to seek compensation following an attack by an animal. In some instances an attorney could suggest filing an action against the owner of the dog.

It is important to consider the kind of injury someone suffers when bit by dogs. It's not just about how much compensation is awarded offered, but also the speed at which recovery can occur.

can you sue if a dog bites you

Sometimes, the dog's owner could be held accountable in the event of an attack by their animal. The amount of liability incurred for a dog attack could differ by state. Certain states hold pet owners accountable for any attack that are caused by their pet. Others only make the owner accountable when the dog:

can you sue if a dog bites you
average dog bite settlement

average dog bite settlement

A dog with narrow, wide-set muzzle muscles has a higher likelihood bite with a lot of force than a dog that has longer muzzle muscles and heads that are slimmer. This is why the injuries caused by dogs like boxers and pit bulls can be significant due to the fact that they are more likely to use the most force when they bite.

level 4 dog bite settlement

level 4 dog bite settlement

As a result of severe infections, dogs can be able to transmit tetanus commonly referred to as lockjaw. Tetanus-causing bacteria can trigger muscles to tighten, which can result in locking jaw muscles and neck. This can cause difficulty or even impossible for a person to open their mouths or swallow. Tetanus is also known to cause muscles to contract in pain. Without treatment, it can cause death. Although a shot of tetanus immediately after an attack may decrease the risk of developing serious illness, a lot of people are unaware that they should seek medical attention particularly after a small dog bite. It is imperative to seek medical attention following a dog bit, regardless of whether the injury appears to not be to be serious. A doctor is the best person to assess your injuries and ensure you receive the necessary treatment.

dog bite pain and suffering calculator

You'll need assistance in navigating these conversations when the dog bit you. Contact the top personal injury attorneys by calling Arash Law to book a free consultation on your dog bite claim. We'll fight for you to make sure that all aspects of your life are taken into consideration to ensure you receive the maximum settlement you're entitled to.

dog bite pain and suffering calculator