Dog Bite Didn’t Break Skin Lawsuit

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Individuals may also be eligible for additional reimbursement for medical expenses as well as loss of earnings and other costs related to the injuries that result from the bite of a dog.

The mouth of a dog is full of bacteria. If the dog pierces skin after an attack bacteria could get to the victim's body. In the aftermath, patients could get serious infections that could cause swelling, redness and a greater degree of pain. In the worst cases infection following the bite of a dog can cause severe fevers, sepsis or other illnesses.

average settlement for dog bite to the face

Additionally strict liability laws don't have to be based on whether the dog had previously bitten anyone prior to the incident or the location where it took place.

average settlement for dog bite to the face
average dog bite settlement

average dog bite settlement

But, they must also meet the other requirements of the state for filing an action for dog bites through an experienced lawyer.

largest dog bite settlement

There are a variety of factors that determine how serious an injury from a bite is likely to be. This includes the amount of time the victim has been bitten as well as their size in relation to the size of the dog, and whether or not they suffer from any health issues.

largest dog bite settlement
lawsuit for dog bite

lawsuit for dog bite

According to the "dangerous laws for dogs" in certain cities, states and counties in some counties, owners of a pet that has been declared to be dangerous or vicious could be required to pay double or even triple damages when the dog is later found to cause injury to someone. The general laws on dog bites could be liable for multiple damages if an animal that previously been bitten by someone else repeats the same attack (see Wis. Stat. Ann. SS 174.02(1)(b)).

dog bite lawsuit payout

The cases of dog bites involve a variety of variables that could influence the amount you will receive in the settlement. The appraisal by the insurance company of your injuries could contain inaccurate assumptions about the amount of the injury, which could result in a lower payout for your family and you. However, by hiring an experienced lawyer who has handled cases involving dog bites and having an expert eye look over the settlement you receive.

dog bite lawsuit payout