So far, we've examined the potential compensation you might obtain by settling a case with the dog's insurance company. But, this isn't your only choice to seek compensation following an animal attack. In some instances an attorney might suggest filing an action against the owner of the dog.

The shared fault laws of a state could also impact the settlement of a dog bite. It could even hinder victims to obtain compensation for injuries.

can you sue someone for dog bite

Pet owners are also required to provide sufficient food, water shelter, exercise, and food for their dogs. Dog owners are also urged to be aware of their local and state laws regarding dog bites.

can you sue someone for dog bite
average dog bite settlement

average dog bite settlement

In certain instances dog attacks may cause death for the victim in particular when a child is the victim. Sometimes dogs will attack repeatedly. Sometimes, a bite in the wrong spot could cause the victim suffer from bleeding or an fatal infection. Adults and children are likely to be more vulnerable in an attack by a dog and are most likely to suffer a fatality as a result of the attack, particularly in the case of being in a solitary location.

average settlement for dog bite to the face

As a result treatments can differ depending on the particular case. An injury of a serious nature could force the victim to pursue costly treatment. Another major factor that could impact a person's situation is the time limit. States have their own regulations however it is recommended to get an attorney for dog bites immediately. If the client fails to make a decision in filing a claim within the specified timeframe and the case is not filed, it could be dismissed without difficulty.

average settlement for dog bite to the face
can you sue if a dog bites you

can you sue if a dog bites you

The majority of states enforce strict liability regulations in the case of dog bites. These states ensure that the owner is held accountable for any injuries that are caused due to their animal regardless of whether the dog owner was not at fault.

dog bite case

The size of the body can affect the amount of damage that they endure after a bite. However, the strength of the jaw muscles aren't dependent on size, many other factors affect the degree of hardness dogs bite, like their weight and the form of their teeth.

dog bite case