Do You Keep a Dog After It Bites Someone?

dog bite compensation calculator

In addition to the physical costs that you will face right after the bite from your dog You may also be required to endure a lot of discomfort and pain during the process of healing. A dog bite may result in continual injuries: physical discomfort and limitations along with the emotional trauma commonly due to an attack by vicious dogs. Although these do not come with an expense associated with them but they can affect your life and you are entitled to seek compensation.

If you think you are responsible for the attack due to your own actions at moment of the incident, you should speak with an attorney for personal injuries to determine if you, or in what way you are liable. Even if you're partially at fault, you could be able to claim the amount of compensation.

dog bite injury compensation amounts

It is important to consider the kind of injury someone suffers when attacked by the dog. This not only affects what compensation will be awarded offered, but also the speed at which recovery can occur.

dog bite injury compensation amounts
dog bite settlement calculator

dog bite settlement calculator

A dog bite typically doesn't cause significant personal injury, other than tear or punctures caused by the dog's teeth. But, depending on the area of the bite and the extent to which the victim was injured in the bite, an individual may sustain an injury that is more serious.

can i sue for dog bite

For instance: Mark is trespassing and throwing sticks at a dog , and it bites him and is attacked. The jury in the personal injury case concludes that he was liable for more than $100,000 in damages. However, it is it also finds that he was at least 55 percent responsible. The only way he could be able to claim the compensation in a state which employs pure comparative negligence. Even then, he could be awarded only $45,000 in damages.

can i sue for dog bite
personal injury dog bite

personal injury dog bite

The information contained on this site is for general informational purposes only. The information on this website should not be considered to be legal advice for any particular circumstance or case. This information does not intend to create an attorney-client relationship. Viewing or reading is not a sign of an attorney-client or attorney-client relationship.

dog bite settlement amounts

If you're filing a lawsuit it is crucial to retain an attorney. Clients can use the legal system to gain financial advantages, specifically in cases involving the injury of the victim, which prevents them from working. There are instances of the United States where a dog owner was sentenced to prison for a long time for involuntary murder caused by their dogs that killed the victim. If negligence was at the blame, there are many options to sue for an incident that appears to be minor like an animal bite.

dog bite settlement amounts