The wife was convicted of second degree murder conviction, and the husband was found guilty of involuntary murder. It was the third trial of this kind throughout this country in United States.
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It is possible to get compensation if a dog has attacked on you while in U.S. There is however no guarantee that you'll be compensated for medical bills or other damages following an attack by a pet. To receive compensation, you might require:
Different states have their own laws regarding dog bites. These laws set a that the victim has to bring a lawsuit for a dog bite against the dog's owner. They typically fall somewhere between one and three years.
Many states, however, enforce strict liability regulations in the case of dog bites. The owner is held accountable for any injuries that are caused through their dog, regardless of whether the pet owner is not guilty of any wrongdoing.
There's usually pain with dog bites, mauling or bite, physical pain , as well as emotional suffering. The emotional distress may result from the physical pain as well as extensive medical procedures. It may also be a result of the trauma caused by the attack in itself. Victims can experience a debilitating anxiety about dogs (which could make it difficult to go out) and stress, shock, insomnia as well as depression and other psychological signs. In extreme instances it is possible to develop the post-traumatic stress condition (PTSD). If the emotional and physical problems are predicted to last the victim could be awarded a prize (or an amount as an settlement) for the future suffering and pain.
The granting of punitive damages is not allowed when victims are suing owners in accordance with the states "strict liability" dog-bite law, since the laws make owners of dogs responsible for bites, regardless of their history or the owner's negligence. (See Beckett v. Warren, 921 N.E.2d 624 (Ohio 2010).)